Single Mom, Working, Homeschooling, Cooking… How?!
One of the biggest issues most working moms face is what are we going to eat and were oh where do we find time to do it?!
I dont know about you but eating out is something I have learned isn’t the best thing to do in regards to health and it takes a huge bite out of your budget as well.
I will NOT offer up false pretenses, I did NOT know what I was doing when I started. I also understand every family has different health goals but I think we all can agree that waisting time and money is a fools mission! So here are a few prep ideas I use.
Not too far from us is a farmers market, its not the outdoors one that you see on movies, its like a grocery store but their produce is mostly from local farmers and they have ALOT of it! As a result, the prices are low, much more reasonable than Publix or Kroger, and honestly there is never a scarcity on the shelves. So Ill go here and buy alot of produce, peppers, carrot, broccoli, onions, potatoes, garlic, greens, and plantains are a few staples for me.
Chop! Chop! Chop!
When I get home I have my son unload all the groceries and I get to washing and chopping. At the end of it all, I put several bags of chopped veggies into my freezer and this is a LIFE saver. When its time to cook something, I can just pull out my frozen veggies and toss them into the pot or pan.
I am sure it is easier to just buy frozen veggies however, it usually costs more and can contain more chemicals and dyes to prevent clumping and other things.
I also would highly recommend making base sauces and casseroles and storing them in your freezer, this way when its time to feed the tiny humans, you just have to warm it up. Also, when your in the mood for a pizza night, and have not prepared pizza dough for your freezer, grab one from store instead. Not the expensive Digornos pizzas but the ones in the brown box that are not frozen. They have various names but are usually less expensive and can go right into the oven. You save money and the time it takes for the delivery to actually come.
There are a million things we can all do better, or differently, however these are just a few time and money savers that I have come across and I will most assuredly post more!
Hugs and Harmonies 🥰